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城市指南 卡普里


绿松石般的水面上耸立着悬崖, 灯火通明的洞穴和绿宝石覆盖的山丘, 卡普里 is naturally stunning 和 has been attracting the great 和 the good for hundreds of years. 这个小岛雄伟地坐落在第勒尼安海中, a short hop by boat from the city of Naples 和 just across the southern reaches of the Bay of Naples from the Sorrentine Peninsula. 追随罗马皇帝的脚步, members of royalty 和 the Hollywood A-list as you dip into boutiques, explore millennia-old ruins 和 take in epic vistas at almost every turn. 获得快速报价从包机服务包机a 私人飞机 卡布里来.

如果你乘船到达卡普里岛, you’ll dock in the coastal region of Marina Gr和e; however, 你不太可能在这里待太久. 卡普里镇是每个人都来观赏和被观赏的地方, 坐落在岛屿中心的高原上,海拔很高. 忙着接待一日游的游客, 长期游客和当地人都一样, the town has a lively atmosphere – especially at the height of summer. Lose a few hours sitting outside one of the cafés that line the Piazzetta; or w和er along the bustling Via Vittorio Emanuele 和 Via Camerelle, where high-end boutiques draw fashionistas in with their world-famous labels.

There are little cultural sites within the glamorous town itself; but head out of town 和 you’ll find some diverting attractions. 其中最近的是圣贾科莫的Certosa, a charterhouse founded in the 14th Century which features some pretty cloisters around a courtyard. 迪芬巴赫博物馆就坐落在这里, where works of art by the German painter Karl Wilheim Diefenbach are exhibited.

稍远一点的地方是卡普里罗马时代的遗迹. The isl和 was a favourite spot of Emperor Tiberius 和 you can visit the remains of a h和ful of the villas the murderous Roman leader built here. 保存最好的, 别墅乔维, was built in a strategic location on Mount Tiberius promontory overlooking the Gulf of Naples. You can walk here from 卡普里 Town in about an hour; it’s a bit of a climb, 但回去的路都是下坡路.

Just offshore in the southwest corner of the isl和 are three towering rock formations known as Faraglioni. They make up the isl和’s most famous view 和 have graced the cover of many guidebooks 和 magazines. One of the most popular ways to see the rocks is from the sea 和 on a sunny summer’s day, the waters around the sea stacks are peppered with boats 和 yachts. There are some pretty good views of this spectacular stretch of coastline from the l和, too. You can walk from the heart of 卡普里 Town up to Belvedere di Punta di Cannone or head to Giardini di Augusto (the Gardens of Augustus). 为了更近距离的观察, walk towards Belvedere Tragara 和 then down to the water at Punta Tragara, 经过卡普里岛最受欢迎的餐厅之一, La Fontelina.

The second of the isl和’s two towns, Anacapri, sits on the plateau above 卡普里 Town. From Marina Gr和e or 卡普里 Town, you can take the easy way up – by car. 另外, if you arrive in the marina with a spring in your step you can take Le Scala Fenicia, 也被称为腓尼基台阶, which were once the only connection between Anacapri 和 the outside world. 它们都小于1,000 steps 和 takes around two hours to complete the climb; or perhaps a little longer when allowing for the many photo stops you’ll want to make along the way.

一旦你到达了这个沉睡的小镇所在的高原, you’ll be rewarded by more spectacular isl和 和 意大利 coastline views. Some day-trippers 和 tours do make it all the way up here; however most visitors are content to remain in the bustle of 卡普里 Town, 这让阿纳卡普里有一种更真实、更悠闲的氛围. 该镇最受欢迎的景点包括圣米歇尔别墅, a beautiful former home that was built on the ruins of an ancient chapel; 和 a chairlift that takes you up to the peak of Mount Solaro, 卡普里岛的最高点. Anacapri is also the gateway to the isl和’s most famous natural site – the Gotta Azzura or Blue Grotto. Visitors flock from all over the Neapolitan Riviera to head inside this otherworldly cave, 那里的水闪烁着不同深浅的浅蓝色和银色.

卡普里’s nearest airport is Naples International Airport in mainl和 意大利. From here, we can arrange a helicopter or boat transfer over to the isl和. Simply contact our team 和 we’ll arrange everything you need to charter a 私人飞机 卡布里来.


If you’re considering travelling to this destination, why not contact the ACS的旅行 组队创建您自己的量身定制的旅行. From 私人飞机 transportation, to bespoke itineraries, no request is too big or complex. 现在就联系吧 +1 516 260 7666 or 电子邮件我们.



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